Sheep Balloon
lecture performance and installation, 2025

the 38th transmediale commission:
(near) near but — far, transmediale, HKW Berlin
Photo: Laura Fiorio

Acts of Proximity No. 01: Sleepless Skies
Installation, 2025
3D Printed Sheep, Weather Balloon

Since May 2024, North Korea has sent thousands of balloons carrying parcels of waste – including Hello Kitty merchandise, e-waste, cigarette butts, and soil with traces of human faeces – over the border to the Republic of Korea. While politicians in Seoul declare the balloons an act of war, the installation uses the playful form of the primary object in question, the balloon, to explore the ambiguity of the medium and its message.

Photo: Laura Fiorio

Acts of Proximity No. 02: Where Have All the Sheep Gone?
Lecture Performance, 2025

Yoo portrays a streamer who regularly broadcasts online to explore forms of ‘non-verbal dialogue’ between South and North Korea, in the process revealing the nonsensical narrative of a love-hate relationship.

Photo: Laura Fiorio