HD, color, stereo, 10:30min., 2019
Purgatorio 6
3D printed object(PLA), print on wood, 30x30x140
Installation view/Strange things (photo: Isak Han)
Installation view/ 14th Busan International Video Art Festival
Installation view/ Du bist voll in Ordnung
The anthropology of dead body investigates the dead body across different symbolic orders which is a peculiar matter located between human and nonhuman, material and immaterial, the precious and the abandoned among living humans. Staging pseudo-educational documentary, the film raises questions about the nature of categorization and focuses on the discrimination engendered from the hierarchy of the binaries.
The narration adopting extreme simplicity and naivité creates ruthless categorization and paradoxically emphasizes contingency. Is it not because we really detest and fear a certain matter, but because we know that the matter and the person we despise are, in fact, parts of ourselves and that they will always come back to us?
*Supported by The Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems - IRI THESys Berlin
Anthropology of Dead Body, 2019, still
Installation view/ 14th Busan International Video Art Festival
Excerpt 57''
Purgatorio 6
3D printed object(PLA), print on wood, 30x30x140
Purgatorio 6, graphic, print on foil, 2019
Purgatorio 6, simulation, 2019
Purgatorio 6, 3D model, 2019
Strange Things_Silent Green, Berlin, DE, 2019
Territorien_Scotty Artspace,Berlin, DE, 2020
EMAF 2020_European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, DE, 2020
Lichtblick_Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin, DE, 2020
Boom_48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin, DE, 2020
Video Art Miden_online program, Kalamata, GR, 2020
Fluctoplasma – 96h kunst diskurs diversität, Hamburg, DE, 2020
14th Busan International Video Art Festival, Busan, KR, 2020